
0031-364 0031-370
| 0031-364 Contacting LoadLeveler to
information for
| Explanation: Informational message to user to indicate that LoadLeveler is being used for
| the interactive or batch job.
| User Response: None required.
| 0031-365 LoadLeveler unable to run job, reason:
| Explanation: LoadLeveler either could not run the interactive job for the reason indicated,
| or, LoadLeveler terminated the interactive job for the reason indicated.
| User Response: Refer to
Using and Administering LoadLeveler
for information on the
| specific reason indicated in the LoadLeveler message that follows this message.
| 0031-366 Invalid combination: nodes=
, tasks_per_node=
| procs=
| Explanation: The combination specified did not result in a mathematical equality -- nodes
| times tasks_per_node must equal procs, when all three are specified.
| User Response: Correct one or more of the specifications to ensure they are
| mathematically consistent.
| 0031-367 Invalid combination: tasks_per_node=
, procs=
| Explanation: User specified the options indicated, and tasks_per_node did not divide
| evenly into procs, which is required as described in IBM Parallel Environment for AIX
| Operation and Use, Volume 1.
| User Response: Correct the specifications as described above.
| 0031-368 Number of nodes specified (
) may not exceed total number of tasks
| (
| Explanation: User has specified more nodes (using MP_NODES or -nodes) than tasks
| (using MP_PROCS or -procs), which is an error.
| User Response: Correct the specifications so that there are the same or fewer nodes than
| tasks.
| 0031-369 Number of tasks or nodes must also be specified when using
| tasks_per_node.
| Explanation: User has specified tasks per node (using MP_TASKS_PER_NODE or
| -tasks_per_node), but has not specified either the number of nodes (using MP_NODES or
| -nodes) or the number of tasks (using MP_PROCS or -procs), which is required as
| described in IBM Parallel Environment for AIX Operation and Use, Volume 1.
| User Response: Provide either of the omitted specifications.
| 0031-370 Internal error: invalid taskid (
) received from LoadLeveler.
| Explanation: An internal error has occurred.
| User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
| reporting hardware and software problems.
Chapter 4. POE Messages 79