
0030-0002 0030-0033
Chapter 3. pedb Messages
>: Data Display data is not attached to data window
Explanation: Cannot access information to update the data window.
User Response: Further data viewing will be limited.
0030-0013 Range index value
is out of bounds. The index value must be within
the range between
Explanation: You have entered an index that is not within the range of acceptable values
for the array selected.
User Response: Enter an array range index that is within the range of acceptable values
specified at the top of the window.
0030-0014 Minimum array element number is greater than maximum element number.
Explanation: You have entered an array range value for minimum index that is greater
than maximum index.
User Response: Re-enter a value for minimum that is within the correct range.
0030-0019 An unrecognized section of the manual has been entered.
Explanation: A string was chosen or typed in to select a section of a manual. The string
did not match any of the manual sections listed in the window.
User Response: Correct the string in the choice field so it matches one of sections listed
under manual selections, and then press <Enter> or click on the Ok or Apply button. You
could also select a section by clicking with the left mouse button on a section listed under
manual selections, and then press the Ok or Apply button to bring up the section under
0030-0021 An unrecognized online help index has been chosen.
Explanation: A string was chosen or typed in to select a section of the online help. The
string did not match any of the online help sections listed in the window.
User Response: Correct the string in the choice field so it matches the entry in the online
help sections that you wish to choose, and press <Enter> or click on the Ok or Apply button.
0030-0030 Only array ranges with up to 1000 elements can be specified.
Explanation: You have specified an array range that would select more than the maximum
allowable array elements. You may only look at a maximum of 1000 elements at a time even
if the array is larger than that.
User Response: Either enter values for minimum and maximum that define a smaller
range of elements, or use a larger value for stride to select fewer array elements within the
0030-0033 No source file is available for task:
Explanation: pedb could not locate a source file to correspond with where the program on
this task is stopped. Consequently no source file for this task will appear in the source file
User Response: pedb processing will continue. You can select a source file using the Get
Source File option from the File pulldown or by double clicking on a stack entry which
contains a source file name.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998 25