
0029-2085 0029-2101
0029-2085 The dbx prompt modifier is too long; the maximum length is
Explanation: The dbx prompt modifier string that you specified using the command line
-dbxpromptmod flag or the MP_DBXPROMPTMOD environment variable was too long.
User Response: Reset the MP_DBXPROMPTMOD environment variable or retry the pdbx
command with a shorter string following the -dbxpromptmod flag.
0029-2086 Event:
cannot be deleted because it does not exist in the specified
or current context.
Explanation: You issued the delete command with an event number that does not exist in
the command context.
User Response: Use the status or status all command to display the events that are
associated with the command context. Re-issue the delete command with a valid event.
0029-2087 Task
was not deleted, because it is not a member of group
Explanation: You issued a group delete group_name member_list command, but one of
the tasks in the member_list was not in the group specified.
User Response: To display members of a group issue group list group_name.
0029-2090 Cannot reestablish events that were generated from a pdbx select menu.
Explanation: You issued a group add command to an existing group or a hook command
and one or more events in the group or task resulted from a pdbx select menu. These
events cannot be recreated automatically by pdbx.
User Response: You can manually recreate the events using the list in the message that
follows this one.
0029-2091 The correct syntax is either 'halt' or 'halt all'.
Explanation: You issued the halt command with an incorrect argument. halt takes effect
on the current command context or the temporary command context when used in
combination with the on command. The halt command attempts to get RUNNING or hung
programs under debugger control. This is done by sending interrupts to all tasks that are
RUNNING in the current context. When halt all is specified, interrupts are sent to all
RUNNING tasks, regardless of context.
User Response: Re-issue the halt command with no arguments or with all.
0029-2100 Specify a decimal number from 1 through
, or <Ctrl-c> to exit menu.
Explanation: Syntax that was supplied in response to the select menu is not recognized.
User Response: A command has been issued where the symbol cannot be resolved.
Reply to this menu with the correct syntax to further qualify which symbol is to be selected.
0029-2101 Specify a list of space or comma-separated numbers and ranges or an
asterisk. A number is a decimal number from 1 through
. A range is
a dash ('-') separated pair of numbers.An asterisk will select all choices in
the menu. A <Ctrl-c> will exit the menu.
Explanation: The syntax that was supplied in response to the select menu was not
User Response: A command has been issued where the symbol cannot be resolved.
Reply to this menu with the correct syntax to further qualify which symbol is to be selected.
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 15