
0030-0130 0030-2208
| 0030-0130 Could not get message group information.
| Explanation: An error occured while attempting to retrieve group information for an MPI
| message record.
| User Response: If the error persists, cancel and restart the message queue debugging
| feature.
| 0030-0131 Could not get message details for task
| Explanation: An error occured while attempting to retrieve message detail information for
| an MPI message record.
| User Response: If the error persists, cancel and restart the message queue debugging
| feature.
| 0030-0132 The minimum range value must be greater than the minimum value of the
| next lower range.
| Explanation: When changing the queue size scale ranges, the new minimum value must
| be greater than the previous range's minimum value.
| User Response: Open the Scale Range Setting window and try again.
: Unable to allocate
of bytes in
Explanation: Internal error: A memory allocation routine failed because there is not enough
memory available. pedb continues processing, but it is likely you will have subsequent
User Response: Start pedb again and try the following:
Debug your program with a subset of the tasks, or with smaller data segments.
Start your program, and use pedb to attach to a smaller set of tasks that are most
interesting to you.
Contact your System Administrator to increase system resources, if possible.
If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the problem and follow
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
0030-2204 Could not find event number for
when parsing break/trace
Explanation: An internal error occurred when parsing breakpoint or tracepoint information.
pedb was unable to find the event number associated with the breakpoint or tracepoint.
User Response: Retry the previous breakpoint or tracepoint action. If you continue to get
this error message, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
0030-2205 Only
breakpoints allowed per view.
Explanation: The maximum number of breakpoint per view has been reached.
User Response: Select another view to define additional breakpoints, or remove some
breakpoints that are no longer needed, and then retry setting the breakpoint.
0030-2208 Task
has exited.
Explanation: The task has exited and can no longer be contacted. No further debugging of
the program on this task is allowed in this session.
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
34 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages