
0029-2109 0029-2116
0029-2109 No action taken on task(s):
, because they have either been stopped
by the debugger, finished executing, or have been unhooked.
Explanation: The tasks listed were not RUNNING. These tasks may already be under the
control of the debugger because of a breakpoint or step command. They could also have
finished execution or be unhooked.
User Response: None, this is an informational message.
0029-2110 No action has been taken because you specified a task number that was
not attached to.
Explanation: A task specified on the group or on command is not an acceptable value.
User Response: Retry the commnad using only task numbers that you attached to. Use
the tasks command to display a list of valid task numbers.
0029-2111 Task
has requested exit.
Explanation: The indicated task has attempted to exit. The program terminates when all
tasks have requested exit.
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0029-2112 The syntax: "on context" is valid at the pdbx-subset prompt, but "on
context command" is not.
Explanation: While at the pdbx-subset prompt, the on context command form of the on
command was issued. The only valid form of the on command at the pdbx-subset prompt is
on context.
User Response: Retry the on command using syntax: on context.
0029-2114 The correct syntax is: '
Explanation: You issued incorrect syntax, and the correct syntax is displayed as part of
this message.
User Response: Retype the command using the syntax displayed.
0029-2115 Switching to context:
, where there is at least one RUNNING task.
When these RUNNING task(s) reach a breakpoint or complete execution, a
pdbx prompt is displayed.
Explanation: You issued the on context command at the pdbx-subset prompt. The target
context has some tasks that are RUNNING. This is an informational message to let you
know that a pdbx prompt will not be displayed immediately.
User Response: Either wait for the pdbx prompt or issue a <Ctrl-c> to enter get a
pdbx-subset prompt. You can then use the tasks or group list command to view the state of
the tasks. The on command is available at the pdbx-subset prompt if you want to then
switch to a different context.
0029-2116 Group
has been deleted, because it has no members.
Explanation: The group delete command has been issued. All of the members in the
group were specified to be deleted, so the group itself was also deleted.
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 17