
0033-1008 0033-1014
0033-1008 Accept failed for the PM data collector
Explanation: A connection on the socket for communicating between the Performance
Monitor and the dug program could not be accepted.
Error Class: The accept() function failed.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
0033-1009 Select a node before starting monitoring
Explanation: Monitoring can not be done unless at least one node to monitor has been
Error Class: You requested monitoring to start before specifying any nodes to monitor.
User Response: Select at least one node to monitor before starting the monitoring
0033-1010 Select a View to see statistics before starting monitoring
Explanation: Monitoring is not done unless one view of the performance data has been
Error Class: You requested monitoring to start before specifying what view(s) of the data to
User Response: Select at least one view of the data before starting the monitoring
0033-1011 Unable to connect to host names :
Explanation: The indicated nodes did not respond to the Performance Monitoring initiation
sequence and therefore cannot be monitored.
Error Class: Usually because the performance data gathering daemon is not running on the
indicated host(s).
User Response: Ensure that the performance data gathering daemon is running on the
requested hosts. If the daemon appears to be running, ensure that it is at the proper level.
0033-1012 Error connecting to stream socket
Explanation: Internal Program error.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
0033-1013 Error
opening file node_list
Explanation: Internal Program error.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
0033-1014 Error opening stream socket
Explanation: Internal Program error.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
138 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages