
0031-804 0031-902
0031-804 -pgmmodel
ignored in remote child
Explanation: -pgmmodel interpreted only in parent code.
User Response: No response needed.
0031-805 Invalid programming model specified:
Explanation: -pgmmodel should be either SPMD or MPMD.
User Response: Re-enter -pgmmodel with either SPMD or MPMD.
0031-806 Invalid retry count
Explanation: Retry count should be an integer.
User Response: Re-enter -retry followed by an integer.
0031-807 Invalid node pool specified:
Explanation: -rmpool should be an integer >= 0.
User Response: Re-enter -rmpool followed by an integer >= 0.
| 0031-808 Hostfile or pool must be used to request nodes.
| Explanation: When using LoadLeveler or the Resource Manager, the environment variable
| MP_RMPOOL or the command line option -rmpool must be used to specify the pool, since
| a hostfile did not exist.
| User Response: Ensure that absence of hostfile was intended, verify command line or
| environment variable settings of hostfile, resd, and rmpool, and then retry. Refer to IBM
| Parallel Environment for AIX Operation and Use, Volume 1 for further information.
0031-809 -tracefile
ignored in remote child
Explanation: -tracefile interpreted only in parent code.
User Response: No response needed.
0031-810 -tracelevel
ignored in remote child
Explanation: -tracelevel interpreted only in parent code.
User Response: No response needed.
0031-900 Can't request profiling for task
Explanation: A communication failure has occurred.
User Response: Retry; if problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
0031-901 Didn't get response to profiling request for task
Explanation: A communication failure has occurred.
User Response: Retry; if problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
0031-902 Unexpected response to profiling request for task
Explanation: A stray message may have been received during profiling.
User Response: Retry; if problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
Chapter 4. POE Messages 101