
0033-4100 0033-4350
Internal program error. The meter height of
is less than the
minimum meter height of
Explanation: During visualization, the program attempted to reallocate the pixmaps used to
display the processor label numbers.
Error Class: The meter height received was not initialized correctly.
User Response: The processing operation will be terminated and VT will exit. Report the
problem to local support.
Internal program error. The proc label width of
is less than or
equal to zero.
Explanation: During visualization, the program attempted to reallocate the pixmaps used to
display the processor label numbers.
Error Class: The proc label width received was not initialized correctly.
User Response: The processing operation will be terminated and VT will exit. Report the
problem to local support.
Internal program error. The virt_mouse_proc or
is less than or
equal to zero.
Explanation: During visualization, the user clicked the mouse in one of the submeters and
VT was unable to handle the redisplay.
Error Class: Virtual Mouse Proc obtained a value less than zero or was greater than the
number of processors.
User Response: The processing operation will be terminated and VT will exit. Report the
problem to local support.
| 0033-4125
Internal Error processing set. Operation was
| Explanation: During visualization, an internal error occurred in the Connectivity Graph.
| Error Class: Internal Program Error
| User Response: The trace record being processed when the error occurred will be
| ignored. The Connectivity Display becomes unusable and should be closed. The information
| presented after the the message should be reported to local support.
Internal program error. VT received
for the number of
processors. The number of processors must be greater than zero.
Explanation: During visualization, VT received a bad value for the number of processors.
Error Class: Either AIX kernel statistics was in error or VT produced an invalid value for the
number of processors.
User Response: The processing operation will be terminated and VT will exit. Report the
problem to local support.
0033-4350 Pixmap not created for compressed rectangles. Internal Error in
Explanation: During visualization, an internal error occurred in the StripGraph display.
Error Class: Internal Program Error when calling XCreatePixmap.
User Response: The StripGraph display may not display hatched pattern as intended.
Visualization will continue but the results may be suspect. The information presented in the
message should be reported to local support.
170 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages