
0029-2076 0029-2084
0029-2076 There are no tasks in DEBUG READY state (active).
Explanation: The response to the active command is that there are no tasks that are
ready to be debugged. This is to say that there are no tasks that are active with respect to
the debugger.
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0029-2077 Command
is not valid when using pdbx.
Explanation: pdbx does not allow the use of this command.
User Response: Check the IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual
for a description of commands that are not allowed.
0029-2080 Could not set breakpoint or tracepoint event.
Explanation: A stop or trace event could not be added in the current context.
User Response: Check the IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual
for information on setting pdbx breakpoints and tracepoints.
0029-2081 Cannot set breakpoint or tracepoint event in different source files.
Explanation: pdbx will not attempt to set a breakpoint at a line number when in a group
context if the group members (tasks) have different current source files.
User Response: Either choose to set events for individual tasks or set the same source file
for the whole group.
0029-2082 Could not find a task available for debugger commands in the current
Explanation: No tasks in DEBUG READY state were found in the current context. This
action requires that a dbx command be issued to the remote node, and that the node is not
RUNNING. If the task is RUNNING, it is not ready for debugger commands.
User Response: Issue the group list or tasks to make sure that one or more tasks are
ready to be debugged.
0029-2083 The correct syntax is: stop if <condition>
stop at <line-number> [if <condition>]
stop in <procedure> [if <condition>]
stop <variable> [if <condition>]
stop <variable> at <line-number>[ if <condition>]
stop <variable> in <procedure>[ if <condition>]
Explanation: You issued the stop command with the incorrect syntax.
User Response: Re-issue the command using the correct syntax.
0029-2084 Missing argument to the -dbxpromptmod flag.
Explanation: The -dbxpromptmod flag requires a text string as an argument. This text
string was missing.
User Response: Specify a text string to be used to modify the dbx prompt so that it will
not collide with your data or program.
14 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages