
0030-2259 0030-2266
0030-2259 Unable to write to the directory
Explanation: pedb was not able to write to the directory specified. This is the directory that
is used to write the temporary files used in visualization.
User Response: Check the permissions of the directory. pedb uses this directory for
temporary files. The default is /tmp. This can be overridden using the MP_TMPDIR
environment variable.
0030-2260 Unable to parse the stack trace, placing task:
in exited state.
Explanation: A message was issued indicating that a trace table was unavailable for the
function that contains the current program counter.
User Response: Further debugging of this task will be limited.
0030-2261 Task number is out of range.
Explanation: A task specified on a Select by Range window is not not within the
acceptable range of values between 0 and the highest task number in your partition.
User Response: Retry the range specification using only task numbers between 0 and one
less than the value of -procs or MP_PROCS (since the first task is number 0).
0030-2262 One or more tasks have not been attached and therefore could not be
Explanation: One or more tasks specified on a Select by Range window have not been
attached and therefore could not be selected.
User Response: Make sure the desired tasks have been attached. Adjust selection criteria
as necessary.
0030-2263 HDF Failure: Unable to write array data type.
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to write the data type to the HDF file. You
may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is full.
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.
0030-2264 HDF Failure: Unable to write array dimensions.
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to write the array dimensions to the HDF
file. You may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.
0030-2265 HDF Failure: Unable to write optional notes for dimension
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to write the optional notes to the HDF file.
You may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is full.
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.
0030-2266 HDF Failure: Unable to write file label.
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to write the file label to the HDF file. You
may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is full.
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 39