
2537-0037 2537-0041
2537-0037 The gmon.out file count data in the Xprofiler internal table is incorrect.
Explanation: Internal error. Xprofiler has an internal table that contains an entry for each
gmon.out file that you specified to be loaded for the application you are analyzing. In
addition, there is a record for this table that contains the number of gmon.out file entries.
This record value does not match the number of actual table entries, and because of this,
the Function Call Tree will not be displayed.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
2537-0038 The gmon.out file
contains more load unit sections than expected,
and therefore will not be loaded.
Explanation: You specified a gmon.out file to be loaded that contains more sections for
load unit descriptions than there should be, according to the value in the header of this file.
Your executable, and the libraries that contain the functions called in the program are
considered to be load units. The format of the file that you specified is not considered by
Xprofiler to be in the valid gmon.out format, and because of this the file was not loaded.
User Response: Check to be sure that this is a valid gmon.out file. If it is not, execute
your program again to generate a valid gmon.out file.
2537-0039 The number of load unit sections in the gmon.out file
is different from
those of the previous files specified for loading at this time.
Explanation: You specified multiple gmon.out files to be loaded. The file identified in the
message contains a different number of sections for load unit descriptions than the other
valid gmon.out file(s) specified before it on the command line or in the Selection field of the
Load window. This file is considered to have been created from a different executable file,
and therefore was not loaded.
User Response: When trying to load multiple gmon.out files, make sure that they all were
created from the same executable.
2537-0040 The library
, which was available when loading other gmon.out files,
can no longer be found.
Explanation: You specified multiple gmon.out files for loading, either on the command line
when starting Xprofiler, or in the Selection field in the Load Files window. Every gmon.out
file contains an entry for each of the libraries having a function that was called by the
program you are analyzing. By the time one of the gmon.out files was being loaded by
Xprofiler, one of these libraries could no longer be found. Perhaps some software was being
updated on your system around the time you were loading, and the updates included a
change to this library file.
User Response: Make sure the library file hasn't been removed, renamed, or moved to a
different location. Then try to load your executable and gmon.out files again.
If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the problem and follow
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
2537-0041 A load unit address listed in the gmon.out file
q; doesn't match
the address for the same load unit in those files that have already been
Explanation: You specified multiple gmon.out files to be loaded. The address information
contained in the file identified in the message for one of the load units is different from the
address for the same load unit in the gmon.out files that have already been loaded. Because
of this mismatch, the identified gmon.out file was considered to have been created from a
different executable file, and therefore was not loaded.
User Response: When trying to load multiple gmon.out files, make sure that they all were
created from the same executable.
Chapter 7. Xprofiler Messages 179