
0030-2285 0030-2291
0030-2285 Task
is not in DEBUG state. It is excluded from the export.
Explanation: A task must be in DEBUG state to be able to participate in an export.
User Response: If the user does not care that the task was excluded from the multi array
export, the message can be ignored. If the user wants the array from the task to be included
in the export, the user must put the task in DEBUG state prior to exporting.
0030-2286 Array
on task
has a different number of dimensions. It is
excluded from the export.
Explanation: The array with a matching array name on the specified task does not meet
the match criteria and is excluded from the export.
User Response: The user must be aware of the match criteria when trying to allow multiple
matching arrays to exported at the same time. For more information, see the IBM Parallel
Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual.
0030-2287 Array
on task
has a different minimum range. It is excluded
from the export.
Explanation: The array with a matching array name on the specified task does not meet
the match criteria and is excluded from the export.
User Response: The user must be aware of the match criteria when trying to allow multiple
matching arrays to exported at the same time. For more information, see the IBM Parallel
Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual.
0030-2288 Array
on task
has matched. It is included in the export.
Explanation: This informational message indicates that this particular array has met the
match criteria and will be included in the export.
User Response: Continue normal pedb operations because this message indicates
successful processing.
0030-2289 No matching array found on task
Explanation: No arrays that meet any of the matching criteria have been found on this
User Response: The user must be aware of the match criteria when trying to allow multiple
matching arrays to exported at the same time.
0030-2290 Could not run the executable for task
Explanation: The application for the given task encountered a signal when an attempt was
made to run it.
User Response: This depends on the signal that was encountered, which was given by a
previous message. If it was signal 9 there is a good chance that the executable was
compiled under an old release and needs to be recompiled.
0030-2291 You cannot Export at this time because task:
is running.
Explanation: A task must be in debug state to be able to participate in an export. You have
issued a command that put the task in a running state after the export window for the array
was opened.
User Response: To export using this window you must allow the task to continue until a
debug state has been reached. This can be done by waiting for a running task to return, or if
it is blocked, by stepping other tasks or pressing the halt button.
42 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages