
0030-3035 0030-3042
0030-3035 Task
: The breakpoint request failed. An invalid source line or invalid
condition was specified.
Explanation: A source line in the source code window has been selected, and a breakpoint
request has been made for that line. The line selected may not have generated any
executable code when compiled. If a condition was specified, it may have been invalid. No
action has been taken.
User Response: Select a another source line or specify a different condition.
0030-3036 Task
: The tracepoint request failed. An invalid source line or invalid
condition was specified.
Explanation: A source line in the source code window has been selected, and a tracepoint
request has been made for that line. The line selected may not have generated any
executable code when compiled. If a condition was specified, it may have been invalid. No
action has been taken.
User Response: Select a another source line or specify a different condition.
0030-3037 Task
: Internal error: An unsupported breakpoint action has been
requested in ReplyBreakpointLocation().
Explanation: Internal error.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
0030-3038 Task
: Maximum array range specified is out of bounds.
Explanation: The user specified a maximum array range that was out of bounds.
User Response: Check the permissible ranges and reset the range values.
0030-3040 Task
: The executable name chosen for debugging resolved to a full
pathname where the length of the path prefix exceeds the PATH_MAX flag
value or a pathname is longer than the NAME_MAX flag value while the
POSIX_NO_TRUNC flag is in effect.
Explanation: The remote debugger could not find the program to execute on a task.
User Response: Check the path for the program on the remote node.
0030-3041 Task
: The executable name chosen for debugging was not found.
Explanation: The remote debugger attempted to find the program to execute on a task.
User Response: Check that the executable file for the program is available on the remote
0030-3042 Task
: The executable name chosen for debugging was not a regular
Explanation: The remote debugger attempted to find the program to execute on a task.
The program name specified was not a regular file. It may have been a directory, socket,
device or some other special file.
User Response: Check that the executable file for the program is available on the remote
48 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages