
0033-3124 0033-3129
0033-3124 Internal program error occurred during trace integration
Explanation: During the trace integration portion of the poe job, a required structure was
not initialized properly.
Error Class: A program error occurred that prevents trace integration.
User Response: Poe will attempt to continue but all trace data for this job is lost. Report
this problem using local support procedures.
0033-3125 Unexpected acknowledgment of type
from remote node
hex number
Explanation: The home node received an unexpected acknowledgement during trace
Error Class: Communication with a remote node has failed.
User Response: Check the remote node log file to determine the reason for failure.
Probable PE error.
0033-3126 SSM interface failure between home node and remote task
hex number
Return code was
hex number
Explanation: During the trace integration portion of the poe job, there was a
communications failure between the home node and the node indicated.
Error Class: An error occurred that prevented trace integration to continue and this
message will be followed by additional information from poe about the exact nature of the
User Response: Follow the actions recommended in subsequent poe messages.
0033-3127 Error getting environment variable
Explanation: The internal getenv function failed to get the specified environment variable.
The remote node terminates.
Error Class: Probable PE error.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
0033-3128 Error using the SSM interface during trace integration.
Explanation: The internal SSM interface failed during communication of trace data between
a remote node and the home node.
Error Class: Probable PE error.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
0033-3129 Remote node
failed to complete trace integration.
Explanation: The specified node did not complete sending trace data to the home node.
Error Class: Probable PE error.
User Response: This message will most likely be accompanied by other PE messages.
Try to isolate the problem using those messages, or gather information about the problem
and follow local site procedures for reporting software problems.
166 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages