
Chapter 9. FlashCopy interfaces 75
Allows you to issue the reverseflash command before the background copy finished.
cp: restrict command to FlashCopy relationships with background copy
sourceLSS: reset Consistency Group for source logical subsystems
s: display of FlashCopy pairs with lsflash command
The shortened output of the lsflash command is returned. Only the FlashCopy pair IDs
are displayed.
l: display additional FlashCopy information
The standard output of the lsflash command is enhanced. The values for the copy
indicator, out of synch tracks, date created, and date synchronized are displayed.
activecp: selection of FlashCopy pairs with active background copy
revertible: selection of FlashCopy pairs with revertible attribute
9.4.2 Local FlashCopy commands - examples
This section explains the DS CLI commands that you can use to manage FlashCopy and also
shows examples of their use.
Initiating FlashCopy using mkflash
With mkflash, a local FlashCopy can be established. Five coding examples for mkflash are
shown in Example 9-1.
Example 9-1 mkflash command examples
#--- script to establish FlashCopy relationships
mkflash -dev IBM.1750-13ABC2A -seqnum 00 0000:0100
Date/Time: July 8, 2005 10:31:59 AM CEST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-13ABC2A
CMUC00137I mkflash: FlashCopy pair 0000:0100 successfully created.
mkflash -dev IBM.1750-13ABC2A -freeze -seqnum 01 0001:0101 0005:0105
Date/Time: July 8, 2005 10:32:26 AM CEST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-13ABC2A
CMUC00137I mkflash: FlashCopy pair 0001:0101 successfully created.
CMUC00137I mkflash: FlashCopy pair 0005:0105 successfully created.
mkflash -dev IBM.1750-13ABC2A -record -seqnum 02 0002:0102
Date/Time: July 8, 2005 10:32:54 AM CEST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-13ABC2A
CMUC00137I mkflash: FlashCopy pair 0002:0102 successfully created.
mkflash -dev IBM.1750-13ABC2A -persist -seqnum 03 0003:0103
Date/Time: July 8, 2005 10:33:14 AM CEST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-13ABC2A
CMUC00137I mkflash: FlashCopy pair 0003:0103 successfully created.
mkflash -dev IBM.1750-13ABC2A -nocp -seqnum 04 0004:0104
Date/Time: July 8, 2005 10:33:46 AM CEST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-13ABC2A
CMUC00137I mkflash: FlashCopy pair 0004:0104 successfully created.
Listing of the properties of the FlashCopies
lsflash -dev IBM.1750-13ABC2A 0000-0004
ID SrcLSS SequenceNum Timeout ActiveCopy Recording Persistent Revertible SourceWriteEnabled TargetWriteEnabled BackgroundCopy
0000:0100 00 0 300 Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled
0001:0101 00 1 300 Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled
0002:0102 00 2 300 Disabled Enabled Enabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled
0003:0103 00 3 300 Disabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled
0004:0104 00 4 300 Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled