
436 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
# Username is a user created on the ESS Specialist that matches the userid on the DS6000
# The password for the admin user id. Placing it here is not very secure.
# The password file is created using the managepwfile and is a better way to manage this.
# pwfile:security.dat
Putting the password in the profile is not very secure (because it is stored in plain text), but it
can be more convenient. A password file can be created using the managepwfile command
and is a better way to manage this. After creating the password file (which by default is called
security.dat), you can remove the password from the profile and instead specify the pwfile
The command to create a passwd file in this example is:
managepwfile -action add -name admin -pw passw0rd
A simple method when you have multiple machines to manage is to create multiple profile
files. Then, when you start the DS CLI, you can specify the profile file that you wish to use
with the -cfg parameter. In a Windows environment, you can have multiple Windows batch
files (BAT files), one for each machine you wish to manage. The profile shown in
Example 29-1 on page 435 could be saved in the C:\program files\ibm\dscli\profile directory
as 2105source.profile. Then you create a simple Windows BAT file with three lines, as shown
in Example 29-2.
Example 29-2 Windows BAT file to start a specific profile
title DS CLI Local 2105-22399 Remote IBM.1750-1300247
cd C:\Program Files\ibm\dscli\profile
dscli -cfg 2105source.profile
We saved the BAT file on the Windows desktop and started it by double-clicking the icon. The
DS CLI opened and started the specified profile. By creating a BAT file and profile for each
machine, you can simplify the process of starting the DS CLI. You can also specify the profile
when starting DS CLI from inside a script, or when running the DS CLI in script mode.
29.2.6 Adding the Copy Services domain
If you wish to use the DS GUI to manage FlashCopy on an ESS 800, or RMC paths and pairs
between an ESS 800 and a DS6000, you must add the ESS Copy Services domain to the DS
SMC. You need the IP address of the ESS 800 Copy Services servers (server A and if
desired, server B). You can get these by connecting with a Web browser to either cluster of
the ESS, and clicking the Copy Services tab. They will be displayed on the first window you
You add an ESS Copy Services domain with the DS Storage Manager to the DS6000 as
1. Click
Real-time manager.
2. Click
Manage hardware.
3. Click
Storage complexes.
4. Select
Add 2105 Copy Services Domain.
5. Figure 29-1 on page 437 shows the Add 2105 Copy Services Domain panel that opens.