400 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
dscli resumegmir -lss <Master LSS ID> -cginterval <Number of seconds>
-coordinate <Number of milliseconds> -drain <Number of seconds> -session
<session_ID> -cfg <Master device configuration file>
<Master_Control_Path_LSS_ID>:<Subordinate_Control_Path_LSS_ID> ...
One reason you would pause and resume a session is to be able to modify the Global Mirror
session tuning parameters. You can specify new values for these parameters:
cginterval - Specifies how long to wait between the formation of Consistency Groups. If
this number is not specified or is set to zero, Consistency Groups are formed
coordinate - Indicates the maximum time that Global Mirror can hold the primary host I/O
processing, while coordinating to start forming a Consistency Group.
drain - Specifies the maximum Consistency Group drain time in seconds. It is the
maximum amount of time that the consistent set of data is allowed to drain to the remote
site before failing the current Consistency Group formation. The default is 30 seconds.
Example 26-66 shows the results of resuming Global Mirror session 01. This session
consisted only of a Master (no Subordinates), which was running in LSS 65 on the storage
image at site 1.
Example 26-66 resumegmir with Master only
dscli resumegmir -lss 65 -session 01 -cfg $DSCLI/profile/DS-01.profile
Date/Time: June 15, 2005 10:56:51 AM EDT IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7506551
CMUC00164I resumegmir: Global Mirror for session 01 successfully resumed.
To visualize the resumed Global Mirror session use the command showgmir as discussed in
26.11.5, “Query Global Mirror session information” on page 397, and illustrated in
Example 26-60 on page 397 and Example 26-61 on page 398.
26.11.8 Change a Global Mirror session
Issue the chsession command to add or remove volumes to/from a Global Mirror session.
The syntax of the chsession command is as follows:
dscli chsession -lss <LSS ID> -action <add or remove> -volume <volume_ID>
<Session_ID> -cfg <Device configuration file>
Example 26-67 shows the result of removing volume 6500 from the session 01 on LSS 65.
Example 26-67 chsession
dscli chsession -lss 65 -action remove -volume 6500 01 -cfg $DSCLI/profile/DS-01.profile
Date/Time: June 15, 2005 2:19:19 PM EDT IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7506551
CMUC00147I chsession: Session 01 successfully modified.
To query Global Mirror session information use the command lssession as described in
26.11.4, “Query volumes in the session” on page 396.
Note: For a deeper understanding of these options and how to use them, see 22.4.2,
“Consistency Group parameters” on page 262.