Chapter 4. DS Command-Line Interface 35
4.10 Usage examples
It is not the intent of this section to list every DS CLI command and its syntax. If you need a
list of all the available commands or assistance with DS CLI commands, refer to IBM System
Storage DS6000: Command-Line Interface UserĀ“s Guide, GC26-7922, or you can use the
online help.
Example 4-6 shows some of the common commands used on a DS6000.
Example 4-6 Examples of DS CLI commands
# The following command establishes flashcopy pairs
dscli> mkflash -dev IBM.1750-1300861 0100-0102:0300-0302
Date/Time: April 25, 2005 5:59:56 PM IST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300861
CMUC00137I mkflash: FlashCopy pair 0100:0300 successfully created.
CMUC00137I mkflash: FlashCopy pair 0101:0301 successfully created.
CMUC00137I mkflash: FlashCopy pair 0102:0302 successfully created.
# The following command establishes Remote Mirror and copy paths
dscli> mkpprcpath -dev IBM.1750-1300861 -remotedev IBM.1750-1300861 -remotewwnn
5005076303FFC03D -srclss 00 -tgtlss 02 I0030:I0031 I0100:I0101
Date/Time: 18:33:22 IST April 25, 2005 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300861
CMUC00149I mkpprcpath: Remote Mirror and Copy path 00:02 successfully established.
# The following command establishes Remote Mirror and copy pairs
dscli> mkpprc -dev IBM.1750-1300861 -remotedev IBM.1750-1300866 -type gcp 0006:0206
Date/Time: 18:43:31 IST April 25, 2005 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300861
CMUC00153I mkpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship 0006:0206 successfully