
Chapter 26. Global Mirror examples 405
The Global Mirror environment cleanup process can be structured in five consecutive steps:
1. End Global Mirror processing.
2. Remove the Global Mirror volumes and the session from the involved LSSs.
3. Remove FlashCopy pairs.
4. Remove Global Copy pairs.
5. Remove paths:
a. Between source and target Global Copy LSSs.
b. Within site 1, between the Master and the Subordinate LSSs. This task is not required
if you have only one source storage image.
26.13.1 End Global Mirror processing
Before you end Global Mirror processing, first display the session information using the
showgmir command as described in 26.11.5, “Query Global Mirror session information” on
page 397.
To end Global Mirror processing for the specified session, use the rmgmir command. The
syntax of the rmgmir command is as follows:
dscli rmgmir -quiet -lss <Master LSS ID> -cfg <Master device configuration
file> <Master_Control_Path_LSS_ID>:<Subordinate_Control_Path_LSS_ID> ...
Example 26-74 illustrates how to end Global Mirror session 01 processing. Although this
command might interrupt the formation of a consistency group, every attempt is made to
preserve the previous consistent copy of the data on the FlashCopy target volumes. If, due to
failures, this command cannot complete without compromising the consistent copy, the
command stops processing and an error code is issued. If this occurs, reissue the rmgmir
command with the -force parameter to force the command to stop the Global Mirror process.
Example 26-74 rmgmir on Master LSS
dscli rmgmir -quiet -lss 65 -session 01 -cfg $DSCLI/profile/DS-01.profile 01
Date/Time: June 15, 2005 2:18:17 PM EDT IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7506551
CMUC00165I rmgmir: Global Mirror for session 01 successfully stopped.
26.13.2 Remove Global Mirror volumes and the session from each LSS
Before you remove the Global Mirror session from each LSS, first display the LSS session
information with the lssession command as described in 26.11.4, “Query volumes in the
session” on page 396.
Now, first remove the associated volumes from the session. For this, use the command
chsession as described in 26.11.8, “Change a Global Mirror session” on page 400.
Next, remove the session with the rmsession command. The syntax of the rmsession
command is as follows:
dscli rmsession -quiet -lss <LSS_ID> -cfg <Device configuration file>
Example 26-75 on page 406 shows how to remove session number 01 for the LSS 65 that is
the Master.
Note: The quiet option turns off the confirmation prompt for this command.