Appendix B. SNMP notifications 521
Table B-1 PPRC path reason codes
Reason Code Description
00 No path.
01 ESCON path established.
02 Initialization failed. ESCON link reject threshold exceeded when attempting to send ELP or RID
03 Time out. No reason available.
04 No resources available at primary for the logical path establishment.
05 No resources available at secondary for the logical path establishment.
06 Secondary CU Sequence Number or Logical Sub- system number mismatch.
07 Secondary CU SS ID mismatch or failure of the I/O that collects secondary information for validation.
08 ESCON link is offline. This is caused the lack of light detection coming from a host, peer or switch.
09 Establish failed but will retry when conditions change.
0A The primary control unit port or link cannot be converted to channel mode since a logical path is
already established on the port or link. The establish paths operation will not be retried within the
control unit automatically.
0B Reserved for use by StorageTekā¢.
10 Configuration Error. The source of the error is one of the following:
1. The specification of the SA ID does not match the installed ESCON adapter cards in the primary
2. For ESCON paths, the secondary control unit destination address is zero and an ESCON
Director (switch) was found in the path.
3. For ESCON paths, the secondary control unit destination address is non-zero and an ESCON
Director does not exist in the path. That is, the path is a direct connection.
11 Reserved.
12 Reserved.
13 / OK Fibre path established.
14 Fibre Channel Path Link Down.
15 Fibre Channel Path Retry Exceeded.
16 Fibre Channel Path Secondary Adapter not PPRC capable. This could be due to:
1. Secondary Adapter not configured properly, or does not have the correct microcode loaded.
2. The secondary adapter is already a target of 32 different ESS, DS8000, DS6000.
17 Fibre Channel Path Secondary Adapter not available.
18 Fibre Channel Path Primary Login Exceeded.
19 Fibre Channel Path Secondary Login Exceeded.