
Chapter 14. Metro Mirror interfaces 165
14.4 DS Command-Line Interface
Although the DS CLI will not run on a System z processor, it can be used to perform
operations on mainframe disks if you have a supported server environment (for example,
Windows XP). The DS CLI can be used to create scripts for setup and control of DS6000
functions. It is a flexible and powerful interface. The DS CLI commands are documented in
IBM System Storage DS6000: Command-Line Interface User´s Guide, GC26-7922.
14.4.1 DS CLI supported environments
The DS CLI is supported on the operating systems listed below, at the time of writing:
HP Tru64
Novell Netware
OS/400®, i5/OS
Sun Solaris
For the most current list of DS CLI supported environments, refer to the interoperability
matrix, which is found at the IBM Products site at:
14.5 DS CLI command- examples
In this section we cover the most frequently used DS CLI commands in a Metro Mirror
environment, and provide examples of their usage. For most of these commands, you must
know some (or all) of the following information:
The serial number and device type of the source and target DS6000, identified by the -dev
and -remotedev parameters.
One way to get the serial number and device type is to use the lssi command.
The serial number and device type will have the format IBM.1750-1300247, for
The WWNN of the remote DS6000, identified by the -remotewwnn parameter. The WWNN
is also available using the lssi command.
The LSS numbers where the source and target volumes are.
–The lslss command displays all of the LSSs on the system.
For a particular volume, the first two digits of the volume number represents the LSS.
For example, volume D000 is located in LSS D0.
LSS numbers are two-digit hexadecimal numbers.
Note: In order to run the job to refresh the VTOC of the secondary volume, the Metro
Mirror volume pair must first be deleted.
Note: Many of the examples that are presented here omit the -dev and -remotedev
parameters because we specify them in the DS CLI profile. Using the profile can
save a significant amount of typing.