
244 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
Date/Time: November 22, 2005 4:45:34 PM EET IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2105-22399
CMUC00234I lspprc: No Remote Mirror and Copy found.
After the volume pairs have been deleted, the host systems can be IPLed from the target
volumes on the DS6000 and the applications can start. To avoid duplicate volser
messages and the related operator replies during IPL, physically disconnect the ESS 800
source system from the host, or change ESCON/FICON director configurations as
7. As a final clean-up step, we removed the paths between the ESS 800 and the DS6000.
We did this using CLI in one-shot mode; see Example 21-19.
Example 21-19 Script delpath.cli
C:\IBM\DSCLI>dscli -cfg ess-22399.prf rmpprcpath -dev ibm.2105-22399 -remotedev
ibm.1750-1300247 -quiet 05:02
Date/Time: November 22, 2005 4:57:47 PM EET IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2105-22399
CMUC00150I rmpprcpath: Remote Mirror and Copy path 05:02 successfully removed.
C:\IBM\DSCLI>dscli -cfg ess-22399.prf lspprcpath -dev ibm.2105-22399 05
Date/Time: November 22, 2005 4:58:25 PM EET IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2105-22399
Src Tgt State SS Port Attached Port Tgt WWNN
05 08 Success 8000 I0088 I0002 5005076303FFC08F
05 06 Success 6000 I000C I0103 500507630EFFFE16
Although this example was carried out with CKD volumes, the procedure applies equally well
to open systems volumes, because the same DS CLI commands are used for open systems.
21.2.2 Cascading alternative
The preceding example assumes that the source volumes on the ESS 800 are simplex.
However, they could also be secondary volumes of existing Global Copy or Metro Mirror
pairs. In that case, we could set up a cascaded Global Copy relationship by specifying the
-cascade parameter on the mkpprc command in step 4 of the previous example, as shown in
Example 21-20.
Example 21-20 Establish cascaded pairs
C:\IBM\DSCLI>dscli -cfg ess-22399.prf mkpprc -dev ibm.2105-22399 -cascade
remotedev ibm.1750-1300247 -type gcp -mode full 050a:023a
Date/Time: November 25, 2005 10:28:17 AM EET IBM DSCLI Version: DS:
CMUC00153I mkpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship 050A:023A successfully created.
C:\IBM\DSCLI>dscli -cfg ess-22399.prf lspprc -dev ibm.2105-22399 050a
Date/Time: November 25, 2005 10:28:42 AM EET IBM DSCLI Version: DS:
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode Fir
011A:050A Target Copy Pending - Global Copy 01 unknown Disabled
050A:023A Copy Pending - Global Copy 05 unknown Disabled
Here, 011A is the source volume, 050A is the intermediate volume, and 023A is the target
volume. The lspprc command shows the status of both volume pairs where the intermediate
volume 050A belongs. 011A:050A is the first pair where 050A is the secondary, and 050A:023A
is the second pair where 050A is the cascading primary.