
22 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
Figure 3-3 FlashCopy help Main page
3.5 Managing the Storage Complex
When you install the DS Storage Manager software on a PC, a Storage Complex is
automatically created. You can then add up to two DS6000s to the Storage Complex. Each
DS6000 is a Storage Unit. Because an SMC can manage two DS6000s, a single Storage
Complex could consist of one SMC and two DS6000s. Figure 3-4 shows how we connected
to the Storage Complex managed by the SMC at the IP address.
Figure 3-4 A single Storage Complex with a single Storage Unit
This complex consists of one Storage Unit, as indicated by the arrow.
A simple scenario might involve two sites. At the production site, there is a single DS6000
managed by its own SMC. Then, at a remote site a second DS6000 is managed by its own