
506 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
User-initiated status collection and exception monitoring
NetView application, does not require System Automation for z/OS
RCMF/XRC provides panels and code that execute under NetView, and an operator interface
for easier management of a remote copy z/OS Global Mirror configuration in setup,
initialization, and any planned outage operational mode. This provides benefits for
businesses looking to improve their management of XRC for normal running circumstances.
RCMF/XRC is positioned as a remote copy management control tool, designed to make it
easier for operators to stop and start a single SDM z/OS Global Mirror remote copy session.
32.1.6 GDPS/GM (Global Mirror) overview
GDPS/GM is similar in some respects to GDPS/XRC in that it supports distances over 100
km. However, due to the differing characteristics of the underlying remote copy technology
(Global Mirror), GDPS/GM extends the remote copy support to FB data.
GDPS/GM could be viewed somewhat as a mixture of GDPS/PPRC and GDPS/XRC. Just as
GDPS/PPRC is a disk subsystem-based remote copy technology, GDPS/GM is also
disk-based, meaning that it supports the same mix of CKD and FB data that is supported by
GDPS/PPRC. Also, being disk-based, there is no requirement for a System Data Mover
(SDM) system to drive the remote copy process. And, like Metro Mirror, Global Mirror
requires that the primary and secondary disk subsystems are from the same vendor;
however, Global Mirror is currently only supported by IBM disk subsystems.
On the other hand, GDPS/GM resembles GDPS/XRC in that it supports virtually unlimited
distances between the application and recovery sites. Also, GDPS/GM does not provide any
automation or management of the production systems—its focus is on managing the Global
Mirror remote copy environment and automating and managing recovery of data and systems
in case of a disaster. Also, like GDPS/XRC, GDPS/GM supports the ability to remote copy
data from multiple sysplexes, whereas each GDPS/PPRC licence supports remote copy for
just a single sysplex.
In addition to its disaster recovery capabilities, GDPS/GM also provides a more user-friendly
interface for monitoring and managing the remote copy configuration. This includes the
initialization and monitoring of the GM volume pairs based upon policy, and performing
routine operations on installed storage subsystems.
More details on GDPS/GM can be found in GDPS Family - An Introduction to Concepts and
Capabilities, SG24-6374-01
32.1.7 GDPS 3-site solution overview
GPDS also supports 3-site configuration solutions by using a combination of the previous
GDPS solutions. A 3-site solution can combine the advantages of metropolitan distance
Business Continuity and regional or long distance Disaster Recovery.
GDPS/PPRC and GDPS/XRC is a supported configuration for the 3-site requirements, as
shown in Figure 32-3.