30 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
Table 4-3 Creation commands
Table 4-4 Deletion commands
Table 4-5 Options commands
Command Description
mkflash Initiates a point-in-time copy from a source to a target volume
mkremoteflash Initiates a remote copy through a Remote Mirror and Copy relationship
mkgmir Starts Global Mirror for a session
mkpprc Establishes a Remote Mirror and Copy relationship
mkpprcpath Establishes or replaces a Remote Mirror and Copy path over a Fibre Channel
mkesconpprcpath Creates a Remote Mirror and Copy path over an ESCON connection
mksession Opens a Global Mirror for a session
Command Description
rmflash Removes a relationship between FlashCopy pairs
rmremoteflash Removes a relationship between remote FlashCopy pairs
rmgmir Removes Global Mirror for the specified session
rmpprc Removes a Remote Mirror and Copy relationship
rmpprcpath Removes a Remote Mirror and Copy path
rmsession Closes an existing Global Mirror session
Command Description
commitflash Commits data to a target volume to form a consistency between the source and target
resyncflash Incremental FlashCopy process
reverseflash Reverse the direction of a FlashCopy pair
revertflash Overwrites new data with data saved at the last consistency formation
setflashrevertible Modifies a remote FlashCopy pair that is part of a Global Mirror to revertible
commitremoteflash Commit data to a target volume to form a consistency (inband)
resyncremoteflash Incremental FlashCopy process (inband)
revertremoteflash Overwrites new data with data saved at the last consistency formation (inband)
setremoteflashrevertible Modifies a remote FlashCopy pair that is part of a Global Mirror to revertible (inband)
unfreezeflash Resets a FlashCopy Consistency Group
failoverpprc Changes a secondary device into a primary suspended and keep the primary in current
failbackpprc Usually used after a failoverpprc to reverse the direction of the synchronization
freezepprc Creates a new Remote Mirror and Copy Consistency Group
pausepprc Pauses an existing Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship
resumepprc Resumes a Remote Mirror and Copy relationship for a volume pair