
Chapter 21. Global Copy examples 243
050A:023A Copy Pending - Global Copy 48148 Disabled Unknown Unknown
050B:023B Copy Pending - Global Copy 50085 Disabled Unknown Unknown
5. We synchronized the Global Copy pairs so that the target volume would be consistent.
This should not be done until the number of out-of-sync tracks for most of the volumes is
close to zero.
Before this step is performed, the hosts using the volumes that are migrated should be
shut down, because the pairs become synchronous Metro Mirror pairs. This can have an
impact on application write response times. The script to synchronize the pairs is shown in
Example 21-15.
Example 21-15 Script syncpair.cli
# Script to synchronize pairs
mkpprc -dev ibm.2105-22399 -remotedev ibm.1750-1300247 -type mmir 050a:023a
mkpprc -dev ibm.2105-22399 -remotedev ibm.1750-1300247 -type mmir 050b:023b
We executed the syncpair.cli script and then checked that all pairs were in full duplex
status; see Example 21-16.
Example 21-16 Synchronize pairs
C:\IBM\DSCLI>dscli -cfg ess-22399.prf -script syncpair.cli
Date/Time: November 22, 2005 4:42:20 PM EET IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2105-22399
CMUC00153I mkpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship 050A:023A successfully created.
Date/Time: November 22, 2005 4:42:42 PM EET IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2105-22399
CMUC00153I mkpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship 050B:023B successfully created.
C:\IBM\DSCLI>dscli -cfg ess-22399.prf lspprc -dev ibm.2105-22399 050a-050b
Date/Time: November 22, 2005 4:42:59 PM EET IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2105-22399
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass
050A:023A Full Duplex - Metro Mirror 05 unknown Disabled Invalid
050B:023B Full Duplex - Metro Mirror 05 unknown Disabled Invalid
6. To stop mirroring and return the target volumes to simplex state, we used the script shown
in Example 21-17.
Example 21-17 Script delpair.cli
# Script to delete volume pairs
rmpprc -dev ibm.2105-22399 -remotedev ibm.1750-1300247 -quiet 050a:023a
rmpprc -dev ibm.2105-22399 -remotedev ibm.1750-1300247 -quiet 050b:023b
We then executed the script and verified that the volume pairs had been removed; see
Example 21-18.
Before the pairs are deleted, all pairs should be in full duplex status.
Example 21-18 Delete volume pairs
C:\IBM\DSCLI>dscli -cfg ess-22399.prf -script delpair.cli
Date/Time: November 22, 2005 4:45:09 PM EET IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2105-22399
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 050A:023A relationship successfully
Date/Time: November 22, 2005 4:45:24 PM EET IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2105-22399
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 050B:023B relationship successfully
C:\IBM\DSCLI>dscli -cfg ess-22399.prf lspprc -dev ibm.2105-22399 050a-050b