
Appendix C. Licensing 527
It should be noted that the RMC License provides the functions of Metro Mirror, Global Copy,
and Global Mirror, depending on how it is configured during installation. These functions were
previously known as PPRC and its variants. Note also that, for the DS6000 and ESS, the
previous Extended Remote Copy (XRC) copy service is now known as Remote Mirror and
Copy for z/OS, or RMZ. You cannot order an RMZ license for DS6000.
Authorized level
All Copy Services functions require licensing to be activated. This means that you must have
purchased a license for the appropriate level of storage for each Copy Service function that is
required. You then must install the License Key that is generated using the Disk Storage
Feature Activation application (
DSFA). Another consideration relates to the authorized level
required. In most cases, the total capacity installed must be licensed. This is the total capacity
in decimal TB equal to or greater than the actual capacity installed, including all RAID parity
disks and hot spares.
An exception can be where a mix of both System z and open systems hosts are using the
same storage server. In this case, it is possible to acquire Copy Services licenses for just the
capacity formatted for CKD, or just the capacity formatted for FB storage. This implies that the
licensed Copy Services function is needed only for open systems hosts, or only for System z
hosts. If, however, a Copy Services function is required for both CKD and FB, then that Copy
Services license must match the total configured capacity of the machine. Authorization level
is maintained by the licensed code in the controller and the DSFA application.
Example: Actual capacity is 15 TB, used for both CKD and FB, the scope for the OEL is
therefore a type of ALL and the installed OEL must be at least 15 TB. If the client has split
storage allocation, with 8 TB for CKD and only CKD storage is using FlashCopy, then the
scope type for the PTC license can be set to CKD. Now the PTC license can be purchased at
the CKD level of 8 TB. However, this means that no open systems hosts can use the
FlashCopy function.
The actual ordered level of any Copy Service license can be any level above that required or
installed. Licenses can be added and have their capacities increased, nondisruptively, to an
installed system.
Charging example
A client can choose to purchase any or all DS6000 licenses at an authorization level at or
above the installed raw disk capacity. It may be more cost effective to pre-install authorization
to use greater than the currently installed storage capacity.
A simple rule for charges is remembering that the required authorization level depends upon
the license scope:
If the license scope is FB, the authorization level must be equal to or greater than the total
amount of physical capacity in the system that is to be logically configured as FB.
If the license scope is CKD, the authorization level must be equal to or greater than the
total amount of physical capacity in the system that is logically configured as CKD.
If the license scope is ALL, the authorization level must be equal to or greater than the
total system physical capacity.
Important: A decrease in the scope or capacity of a license requires a disruptive power
cycle for the DS6000.