Chapter 7O Agilent 10737L and Agilent 10737R Compact Three-Axis
7O-6 User’s Manual
The Agilent 10737L or Agilent 10737R interferometer, by making
three simultaneous distance measurements along or parallel to the
X-axis, can make these measurements:
• displacement along the X-axis
• rotation (pitch) about the Y-axis
• rotation (yaw) about the Z-axis
The angular measurements made by either of these interferometers
can be calculated by taking the arctangent of the difference between
two linear measurements involved, divided by their separation:
This method for determining angle is described in more detail in the
“Electronic yaw calculation method” and “Optical yaw calculation
method” subsections under the “Three-axis system using discrete plane
mirror interferometers (X, Y, YAW)” section in Chapter 3, “System
Design Considerations,” of this manual.
X-Y Stage
These interferometers are well suited for X-Y stage or multiaxis
applications, such as lithography equipment. Two of these
interferometers, can measure all X, Y, pitch, roll, and yaw motions of a
stage. Since only five axes are required to make all these
measurements, the sixth axis can be used as a redundant yaw
measurement (useful for mirror mapping). In these applications, the
measurement mirrors are attached to the X-Y stage.