Chapter 7O Agilent 10737L and Agilent 10737R Compact Three-Axis
7O-2 User’s Manual
NOTE In this subchapter refers to either or both of the Agilent 10737L and
Agilent 10737R interferometers.
The Agilent 10737L/R Compact Three-Axis interferometers (see
figures 7O-1 through 7O-3) allow up to three measurements
(displacement, pitch, and yaw) to be made on a single axis. The
Agilent 10737L and Agilent 10737R interferometers are identical
except that the “L” bends the measurement beams to the left and the
“R” bends the beams to the right, as viewed from the incoming beam
(see figures 7O-2 and 7O-3).
These interferometers are designed to use a 3 mm diameter laser
beam, available from an Agilent 5517C-003 Laser Head.
The measurement beam parallelism inherent in the design of the
Agilent 10737L/R interferometers ensures that there is essentially no
cosine error between their three measurements and also ensures angle
accuracy for pitch and yaw measurements.
These interferometers are designed for direct attachment of
Agilent 10780F-037 Remote Receiver’s fiber-optic sensor head (one per
axis). The Agilent 10780F-037 receiver is the same as the standard
receiver, except it does not include the lens assembly that attaches to
some Agilent interferometers; in this case, the required lens assembly
is part of the Agilent 10737L/R interferometer. This simplifies user
assembly, since no optical alignment of the receiver is required. The
fiber-optic cables from the receivers attach directly to the axis output
apertures on the input face of the interferometer. See figures 7O-2 and
The Agilent 10737L/R interferometers are based on the
Agilent 10706B High-Stability Plane Mirror Interferometer’s design.
Figure 7O-1 shows two views of an Agilent 10737L interferometer. In
addition to the Agilent 10706B components, the interferometer
includes the following assemblies:
• The receiver assembly. This can be removed during alignment
using the 4-40 socket-head cap screws. The 4-40 button-head
screws hold the 0.100-inch-thick cover plate and the receiver
assembly parts in place; do not try to loosen these screws or remove
the plate.
• The shear plate assembly. This assembly is factory-aligned and
must not be loosened or removed.