Chapter 3: Working with Target Servers
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In AKC, the keyboard type defaults to the local client, so this option
does not apply.
4. Configure hotkeys:
Exit Full Screen Mode - Hotkey.
When you enter Full Screen mode, the display of the target
server becomes full screen and acquires the same resolution as
the target server.
This is the hot key used for exiting this mode.
Exit Single Cursor Mode - Hotkey.
When you enter single cursor mode, only the target server
mouse cursor is visible.
This is the hot key used to exit single cursor mode and bring
back the client mouse cursor.
Disconnect from Target - Hotkey.
Enable this hotkey to allow users to quickly disconnect from the
For hotkey combinations, the application does not allow you to
assign the same hotkey combination to more than one function.
For example, if Q is already applied to the Disconnect from Target
function, it won't be available for the Exit Full Screen Mode function.
Further, if a hotkey is added to the application due to an upgrade and
the default value for the key is already in use, the next available
value is applied to the function instead.