Does Dominion KX II support
Paragon Dual CIMs?
Yes. The Dominion KX II now supports
Paragon II Dual CIMs (P2CIM-APS2DUAL and
P2CIM-AUSBDUAL), which can connect
servers in the data center to two different
Dominion KX II switches.
If one KX II switch is not available, the server
can be accessed through the second KX II
switch, providing redundant access and
doubling the level of remote KVM access.
Please note these are Paragon CIMs, so they
do not support the KX II advanced features
such as virtual media, absolute mouse, etc.
Is the Dominion KX II FIPS 140-2
The Dominion KX II uses an embedded FIPS
140-2 validated cryptographic module running
on a Linux platform per FIPS 140-2
implementation guidelines. This cryptographic
module is used for encryption of KVM session
traffic consisting of video, keyboard, mouse,
virtual media and smart card data.
What kind of encryption does
Dominion KX II use?
Dominion KX II uses industry-standard (and
extremely secure) 256-bit AES, 128-bit AES or
128-bit encryption, both in its SSL
communications as well as its own data
stream. Literally no data is transmitted between
remote clients and Dominion KX II that is not
completely secured by encryption.
Does Dominion KX II support AES
encryption as recommended by
the U.S. government’s NIST and
FIPS standards?
Yes. The Dominion KX II utilizes the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) for added security.
256-bit and 128-bit AES is available.
AES is a U.S. government-approved
cryptographic algorithm that is recommended
by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) in the FIPS Standard 197.