Appendix F: Frequently Asked Questions
How many users can remotely
access servers on each
Dominion KX II?
Dominion KX II models offer remote connections for
up to eight users per user channel to simultaneously
access and control a unique target server. For
one-channel devices like the DKX2-116, up to eight
remote users can access and control a single target
server. For two-channel devices, like the DKX2-216,
up to eight users can access and control the server
on channel one and up to another eight users on
channel two. For four-channel devices, up to eight
users per channel, for a total of 32 (8 x 4) users, can
access and control four servers. Likewise, for the
eight-channel devices, up to eight users can access
a single server, up to an overall maximum of 32
users across the eight channels.
Can I remotely access servers
from my iPhone or iPad?
Yes. Starting with Dominion KX II Release 2.4 and
CC-SG Release 5.2, users can access servers
connected to the KX II using their iPhone or iPad.
Can two people look at the
same server at the same time?
Yes. Actually, up to eight people can access and
control any single server at the same time.
Can two people access the
same server, one remotely
and one from the local port?
Yes. The local port is completely independent of the
remote "ports." The local port can access the same
server using the PC-Share feature.
In order to access Dominion
KX II from a client, what
hardware, software or network
configuration is required?
Because Dominion KX II is completely
Web-accessible, it doesn’t require customers to
install proprietary software on clients used for
access. (An optional installed client is available on
www.raritan.com; this is required for access by an
external modem.)
Dominion KX II can be accessed through major
Web browsers, including: Internet Explorer® and
Firefox®. Dominion KX II can be accessed on
Windows, Linux and Macintosh® desktops, via
Raritan’s Windows Client, and the Java™-based
Multiplatform and Virtual KVM Client™.
Dominion KX II administrators can also perform
remote management (set passwords and security,
rename servers, change IP address, etc.) using a
convenient browser-based interface.
How do I access servers
connected to Dominion
KX II if the network ever
becomes unavailable?
You can access servers at the rack or via modem.
Dominion KX II offers a dedicated modem port for
attaching an external modem.
Do you have a Windows KVM
Yes. We have a native .NET Windows Client called
the Raritan Active KVM Client (AKC).