
Chapter 10: Maintenance
To upgrade your KX II unit:
1. Locate the appropriate Raritan firmware distribution file (*.RFP) on
the Raritan website http://www.raritan.com on the Firmware
Upgrades web page.
2. Unzip the file. Please read all instructions included in the firmware
ZIP files carefully before upgrading.
Note: Copy the firmware update file to a local PC before uploading.
Do not load the file from a network drive.
3. Choose Maintenance > Firmware Upgrade. The Firmware Upgrade
page opens.
4. Click Browse to navigate to the directory where you unzipped the
upgrade file.
5. Select the Review CIM Version Information? checkbox if you would
like information displayed about the versions of the CIMs in use.
6. Click Upload from the Firmware Upgrade page. Information about
the upgrade and version numbers is displayed for your confirmation
(if you opted to review CIM information, that information is displayed
as well):
Note: At this point, connected users are logged out, and new login
attempts are blocked.
7. Click Upgrade. Please wait for the upgrade to complete. Status
information and progress bars are displayed during the upgrade.
Upon completion of the upgrade, the unit reboots (1 beep sounds to
signal that the reboot has completed).