Appendix A: Specifications
Remote Client Requirements
The basic requirements for interoperability at the remote client are:
The IFD (smart card reader) Handler must be a PC/SC compliant
device driver.
The ICC (smart card) Resource Manager must be available and be
PC/SC compliant.
1.7 with smart card API must be available for use by
the Raritan client application.
Linux Clients
If you are using a Linux
client, the following requirements must be met
to use smart card readers with the Raritan device.
Note: User login to client, on smart card insertion, may take longer when
1 or more KVM sessions are actively in place to targets. As the login
process to these targets is also under way.
PC/SC Requirements
Create a Java
Library Link
A soft link must be created to the libpcsclite.so after upgrading RHEL
4, RHEL 5 and FC 10. For example, ln –s /usr/lib/libpcsclite.so.1
/usr/lib/libpcsclite.so, assuming installing the package places the
libraries in /usr/lib or /user/local/lib
PC/SC Daemon
When the pcsc daemon (resource manager in framework) is
restarted, restart the browser and MPC, too.
Supported and Unsupported Smart Card Readers
External, USB smart card readers are supported.
Supported Smart Card Readers