Chapter 7: User Management
6. To activate the new user, leave the Active checkbox selected. Click
View the KX II Users List
The User List page displays a list of all users including their user name,
full name, and user group. The list can be sorted on any of the columns
by clicking on the column name. From the User List page, you can add,
modify, or delete users.
KX II users with User Management privileges can disconnect users from
ports or log them off (force log off) as needed. See Disconnecting
Users from Ports (on page 127) and Logging Users Off the KX II
(Force Logoff) (on page 127) respectively.
To view the target ports each user is connected to, see View Users by
Port (on page 126).
To view the list of users:
Choose User Management > User List. The User List page opens.
View Users by Port
The User By Ports page lists all authenticated local and remote users
and ports they are being connected to. Only permanent connections to
ports are listed. Ports being accessed when scanning for ports are not
If the same user is logged on from more than one client, their username
appears on the page for each connection they have made. For example,
if a user has logged on from two (2) different clients, their name is listed
This page contains the following user and port information:
Port Number - port number assigned to the port the user is
connected to
Port Name - port name assigned to the port the user is connected to
Note: If user is not connected to a target, 'Local Console' or 'Remote
Console' is displayed under the Port Name.