Chapter 8: Device Management
2. Launch Internet Explorer
using the KX II IP address as the URL. A
Certificate Error message will be displayed.
3. Select View Certificates.
4. On the General tab, click Install Certificate. The certificate is then
installed in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.
5. After the certificate is installed, the KX II IP address should be
removed from the Trusted Site zone.
To enable AKC download server certificate validation:
1. Choose Device Settings > Device Services. The Device Service
Settings page opens.
2. Select the Enable AKC Download Server Certificate Validation
checkbox or you can leave the feature disabled (default).
3. Click OK.
If you are connecting to a KX II standalone device and support for AKC
download server certificate validation is enabled, the valid IPv6 format to
generate the certificate is either:
CN =[fd07:02fa:6cff:2500:020d:5dff:fe00:01c0] when
there is a leading 0
CN =[fd07:02fa:6cff:2500:020d:5dff:0000:01c0] when
there is no zero compression
Configuring SNMP Agents
SNMP-compliant devices, called agents, store data about themselves in
Management Information Bases (MIBs) and return this data to the SNMP
managers. See Viewing the KX II MIB (on page 167) for information on
viewing the KX II MIB.
KX II supports SNMP logging for SNMP v1/v2c and/or v3. SNMP v1/v2c
defines message formats and protocol operations when SNMP logging is
enabled. SNMP v3 is a security extension of SNMP that provides user
authentication, password management and encryption.
To configure SNMP agents:
1. Choose Device Settings > Device Services. The Device Service
Settings page opens.
2. Provide the following SNMP agent identifier information for the MIB-II
System Group objects:
a. System Name - the SNMP agent's name/device name
b. System Contact - the contact name related to the device
c. System Location - the location of the device