Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration
2. If Use the Following DNS Server Addresses is selected, whether or
not DHCP is selected, the addresses entered in this section is used
to connect to the DNS server.
Enter the following information if the Following DNS Server
Addresses is selected. These addresses are the primary and
secondary DNS addresses used if the primary DNS server
connection is lost due to an outage.
a. Primary DNS Server IP Address
b. Secondary DNS Server IP Address
3. When finished, click OK.
Your KX II device is now network accessible.
Name Your Target Servers
To name the target servers:
1. Connect all of the target servers if you have not already done so.
2. Select Device Settings > Port Configuration, then click the Port
Name of the target server you want to name.
3. Enter a name for the server up to 32 alphanumeric and special
characters. Click OK.
Specify Power Supply Autodetection
The KX II provides dual power supplies.
When both power supplies are used, the KX II automatically detects
them and notifies you of their status.
Additionally, both the Powerln1 and Powerln2 Auto Detect checkboxes
are automatically selected on the Power Supply Setup page.
If you are using only one power supply, you can enable automatic
detection for only the power supply in use.
To enable automatic detection for the power supply in use:
1. Choose Device Settings > Power Supply Setup. The Power Supply
Setup page opens.
2. If you are plugging power input into power supply number one
(left-most power supply at the back of the device), select the
Powerln1 Auto Detect option.
3. If you are plugging power input into power supply number two
(right-most power supply at the back of the device), select the
Powerln2 Auto Detect option. Click OK.