Chapter 9: Security Management
6. If needed, select Local Device Reset Mode. This option specifies
which actions are taken when the hardware Reset button (at the
back of the device) is depressed. For more information, see
Resetting the KX II Using the Reset Button (on page 285).
Choose one of the following options:
Enable Local Factory
Reset (default)
Returns the KX II device to the factory defaults.
Enable Local Admin
Password Reset
Resets the local administrator password only.
The password is reset to raritan.
No reset action is taken.
Note: When using the P2CIM-AUSBDUAL or P2CIM-APS2DUAL to
attach a target to two KX IIs, if Private access to the targets is required,
both KVM switches must have Private set as their PC Share Mode.
See Supported Paragon CIMS and Configurations (see "Supported
Paragon II CIMS and Configurations" on page 296) for additional
information on using Paragon CIMs with the KX II.
Checking Your Browser for AES Encryption
If you do not know if your browser uses AES, check with the browser
manufacturer or navigate to the https://www.fortify.net/sslcheck.html
website using the browser with the encryption method you want to check.
This website detects your browser's encryption method and displays a
AES 256-bit encryption is supported on the following web browsers:
Internet Explorer
In addition to browser support, AES 256-bit encryption requires the
installation of Java
Cryptography Extension
) Unlimited Strength
Jurisdiction Policy Files.
Jurisdiction files for various JREs
are available at the “other downloads”
section of the following link:
JRE1.7 - javase/downloads/jce-7-download-432124.html