Smart Cards and CAC Authentication
Does Dominion KX II support
smart card and CAC
Yes. Smart cards and DoD common access
cards (CAC) authentication to target servers is
supported by Release 2.1.10 and greater.
Mandated by Homeland Security Presidential
Directive 12 (HSPD-12), CAC is a type of
smart card created by the U.S. government
and used by U.S. military and government
staff. The CAC card is a multitechnology,
multipurpose card; the goal is to have a single
identification card. For more information, see
the FIPS 201 standards.
Which KX II models support smart
All Dominion KX II models are supported. The
Dominion KSX II and
KX II-101 do not currently support smart cards
and CAC.
Do enterprise and SMB customers
use smart cards, too?
Yes. However, the most aggressive
deployment of smart cards is in the U.S.
federal government.
Which CIMs support
smart card/CAC?
are the required CIMs.
Which smart card readers are
The required reader standards are USB CCID
and PC/SC. Consult the user documentation
for a list of certified readers and more
Can smart card/CAC
authentication work on the local
port and via CommandCenter?
Yes. Smart card/CAC authentication works on
both the local port and via CommandCenter.
For the local port, connect a compatible smart
card reader to the USB port of the Dominion
Are the Paragon smart
card-enabled UST and CIM used?
No. The P2-EUST/C and P2CIM-AUSB-C are
not part of the Dominion KX II solution.
Where can I get more information
on KX II smart card support?
See the Release Notes and the Dominion KX II
User Guide for more information.