
Chapter 8: Device Management
Direct Port Access URL Syntax for the Active KVM Client (AKC)
If you are using the Active KVM Client (AKC) and direct port access, use:
rd&port=port number&client=akc
rd&port=port name&client=akc
For blade chassis, the port must be designated by both the port number
or name, and slot number.
rd&port=port number-slot number=akc
For example, port number-slot number is 1-2 where the blade
chassis is connected to port 1, slot 2
rd&port=port name-slot number=akc
For example, port name-slot number is Port1-2 where the blade
chassis is connected to port 1, slot 2
Username and password are optional.
If username and password are not provided, a login dialog will be
displayed and, after being authenticated, the user will be directly
connected to the target.
The port may be a port number or port name.
If you are using a port name, the name must be unique or an error is
If the port is omitted altogether, an error is reported.
Client=akc is optional unless you are using the AKC client.
If client=akc is not included, the Virtual KVM Client (VKC) is used as the
If you are accessing a target that is part of a dual port video group, direct
port access uses the primary port to launch both the primary and
secondary ports.
Direct port connections to the secondary port are denied, and usual
permission rules apply.
For information on the dual port video group feature, see Creating a
Dual Video Port Group (on page 218) .