Chapter 8: Device Management
Creating Port Groups
The KX II supports the aggregation of multiple ports into a single port
group.Port groups consist solely of ports configured as standard KVM
A port may only be a member of a single group.
Ports that are available to be included in a port group are displayed in
the Select Port for Group > Available list.
Once a port is added to a port group, it is not available to add to another
port group. Remove the port from its existing port group to use it in a new
A maximum of 8 port groups can be created. The Add button is disabled
once this limit is reached.
Connect and disconnect actions performed from the primary port are
applied to the secondary ports in the group with the exception of power
Port Groups are restored using the Backup and Restore option (see
Backup and Restore (on page 242)).
Note: See HP and Cisco UCS Blade Chassis Configuration (Port
Group Management) (on page 196) for information on creating port
groups for blade chassis, and Creating Dual Port Video Groups for
information on creating dual video port groups.
To create a port group:
1. Select Device Settings > Port Group Management. The Port Group
Management page opens. Any existing port groups are displayed.
2. Click Add. The page refreshes and displays all of the port group
options available.
3. Select the Port Group radio button.
4. Select the ports to add to the group by clicking on them in the
Available text box, and then clicking Add to add it to the Selected text
5. Click OK to create the port group. The port group now appears on
the Port Group Management page.