86 ROM-DOS Commands
MX2 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX2RG-L-ARC
External Command
The FORMAT command initializes a disk so ROM-DOS can access files on that disk. A disk
must be formatted before ROM-DOS can use it.
FORMAT [drive:] [/options]
FORMAT initializes the disk and directory of the specified drive. The size of the formatted disk is
the largest possible size that the specified drive supports, unless a different size is specified via a
command line option.
The /4 switch causes the floppy disk to be formatted as a 360KB disk even if the drive is a
1.44MB, 2.88MB, or 1.2MB drive.
The /7 switch causes the floppy disk to be formatted as a 720KB disk even if the drive is a
1.44MB or 2.88MB drive.
The /B option causes FORMAT to used BIOS Int 13h calls. By default, FORMAT checks the
DOS version, and if it is DOS 5.0 or higher, it uses the floppy device driver to do the format.
Using the /B option forces FORMAT to bypass the floppy or hard disk controller and use BIOS
calls. /B makes FORMAT device independent.
The /C switch causes FORMAT to format one disk without user input. The disk is assumed to be
in the specified drive, and FORMAT exits immediately when the format is complete. This switch
is useful in batch files or programs that require a formatted disk without user input.
The /F:size option specifies the size of the floppy disk to be formatted. Available size values are
360, 720, 1.2, 1.44, and 2.88, and are entered as /F:size. For example, /F:1.2.
The /H switch causes the system files not to be hidden or write-protected. This can be used along
with the /S option.
The /I option forces FORMAT to use IOCTL calls and never use BIOS calls. Normally,
FORMAT first tries to access the device driver IOCTL calls to format the disk. If this fails, BIOS
calls are used (unless the /B option is specified). BIOS calls are always used for DOS 3.3 and
The /Q option causes FORMAT to do a quick format. A quick format reinitializes the disk,
deleting each file and subdirectory from the disk. A quick format can only be performed on a
previously fully formatted disk.
The /S switch causes FORMAT to copy the ROM-DOS system files, ROM-DOS.SYS and
COMMAND.COM, onto the disk. The file ROM-DOS.SYS is renamed and stored on the disk as
files IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM, which are stored as hidden files, unless the /H option is
The /V:LABEL switch causes FORMAT to place a volume label on the disk. If the volume label is
not provided on the command line, you are prompted for the volume label once the format is
The /[ switch causes FORMAT to run without display of the sign-on message.