72 Sample NET.CFG and SOCKET.CFG Files
MX2 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX2RG-L-ARC
Domain 0 ; set per customer settings
Station_Type 0
Peer_To_Peer N
Roam_Config 1
Mac_Optimize 1
Channel 1
SubChannel 1
Frame Ethernet_II
; Frame Ethernet_802.2
; Frame Ethernet_802.3
Cisco Radio NET.CFG File
Link Support
BUFFERS 4 1550
Protocol ODIPKT
Bind CSCODI (Use AWCO48C with Cisco 340 radios only)
file handles=60
LINK DRIVER CSCODI (Use AWCO48C with Cisco 340 radios only)
;Initialization file for Infrastructure
;operating mode
SSID "" ;must match Access Point setting
;FragThreshold 2312 ;packet size to start fragmenting
;RTSThreshold 2312 ;packet size to start sending RTS/CTS
;DataRate1 0x02 ;(1) Mbps supported data bit rate
;DataRate2 0x04 ;(2) Mbps supported data bit rate
;DataRate3 0x0B ;(5.5) Mbps supported data bit rate
;DataRate4 0x16 ;(11) Mbps supported data bit rate
;RefreshInterval 10000 ;inactivity time to check association
;PowerSaveMode "FastPSP" ;Fast Power Save Mode
;MaxPowerSave "ON" ;Maximum power save mode
;NodeName " " ;descriptive station name
;authtype "wepopen" ;Set WEP key in radio before wepopen
;setting for MX2 = right
;diversity "on" ; units with 2 antennas
;diversity "left" ; units with 1 antenna
;diversity "right" ; units with 1 antenna
PortBase 100
; IRQ 5
Memory C0000
;Socket 0
BusType "PCMCIA"
; Frame ETHERNET_802.3
; Frame ETHERNET_802.2
protocol IPX 0 ETHERNET_II
show dots=on
; following lines are for Cisco 350 radios only with LEAP
LEAP "OFF" ;LEAP authentication (OFF or ON)
WorldMode "OFF" ;World mode (OFF or ON)
ShortPreamble 0 ;PLCP short preamble (0=auto, 1=long, 2=short)