
ROM-DOS 6.22 Command Summary 101
E-EQ-MX2RG-L-ARC MX2 Reference Guide
ROM-DOS 6.22 Command Summary
For information on ROM-DOS commands, please refer to a commercially
available ROM-DOS user guide.
Following are brief descriptions of ROM-DOS commands, including batch file commands.
Note: The external ROM-DOS files loaded on the MX2 by LXE (and supported by LXE) are
marked with a single asterisk in the table that follows. Files marked with a double
asterisk are loaded on some, but not all, MX2’s. ROM-DOS internal commands are a
part of the ROM-DOS operating system.
? Internal CONFIG.SYS command. It directs ROM-DOS to pause for
confirmation before processing a command.
@ Internal Used to suppress the display of a single batch-file command line.
; Internal Identifies nonexecuting lines. The same as the REM command.
ANSI.SYS* Installable A console device driver that allows you to support ANSI codes on
the local screen.
ATTRIB.COM** External Displays or modifies the attributes associated with a file.
BREAK Internal Turns on or off the ability to stop program execution at a non-I/O
BUFFERS Internal Sets the number of internal data buffers.
CALL Internal Batch file command. Invokes execution of a secondary batch file.
CHDIR (also CD) Internal Changes the current directory (also CD).
CHKDSK.COM* External Checks the integrity of data on a disk. Displays information.
CLS Internal Clears all information from the monitor’s screen.
COMMAND.COM* External Starts a second DOS command processor.
COPY Internal Copies files from one storage location to another.
External Designates the country code for displays.
CTTY Internal Changes the default terminal interacting with ROM-DOS.
DATE Internal Displays the date from the system’s internal calendar. Allows
DEL Internal Deletes specified files.
DELTREE.EXE** External Deletes one or more directory trees or individual files.
DEVICE Internal Installs a device driver into ROM-DOS.
International keyboards and code pages require COUNTRY.SYS, DISPLAY.SYS and
KEYB.COM. These files are placed on the computer by the user when needed. They are not part
of the LXE installed and LXE supported file load.