System Configurations 67
E-EQ-MX2RG-L-ARC MX2 Reference Guide
System Configurations
Several configurations are possible for the system software on the unit, depending upon the type
of hardware that is to be supported. Two standard configurations are described below, along with
directory structures and default CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT file descriptions.
Default Configuration
The data files will be stored on drive D. PC card drivers able to support ATA cards will be loaded.
FILES = 30
REM --------------------------------
REM Phoenix Card and Socket
REM services for accessing PC Cards
REM --------------------------------
device = c:\pcm\cnfignam.exe /NORMAL
device = c:\pcm\pcmssit.exe
device = c:\pcm\pcmcs.exe
device = c:\pcm\pcmata.sys
Figure 3-7 CONFIG.SYS File on Drive C for Default Configuration
REM --------------------------------------
REM The following lines set up
REM default parameters for some
REM environment variables. These lines
REM may be modified or overridden in
REM the USER section below.
REM --------------------------------------
set prompt=$p$g
set dircmd=/ogn /p
REM --------------------------------------
REM The following section is for
REM customized user entries.
REM Insert user-specific options and
REM commands here.
REM --------------------------------------
REM --------------------------------------
REM The following lines add system
REM components to the PATH
REM and run the main application
REM executable, if one was specified.
REM --------------------------------------
IF EXIST c:\bparams.ini copy c:\bparams.ini PARAMS
set path=c:\;c:\dos;%path%
Figure 3-8 AUTOEXEC.BAT File on Drive C for Default Configuration