70 Data Entry
MX2 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX2RG-L-ARC
Running on a MX2 with a 2.4GHz radio. ANSI Plus uses a Telnet connection to communicate
with the host computer. A MX2 with a 2.4GHz radio is interfaced to a computer network
(Ethernet or Token-Ring) via 2.4GHz radio equipped Access Points. ANSI Plus does not support
Narrowband RF.
TN3270 TE and TN5250 TE
Runs on a MX2 with a 2.4GHz radio. The TE provides IBM host application support over the RF
backbone and TCP/IP network. This product does not provide interconnectivity for LXE’s
narrowband and 900MHz RF backbones.
DOS TE User Defined Stored
DOS terminal emulations have the following space requirements for user defined stored forms:
ANSI Plus 2K required for each form
TN3270 1K required for each form
TN5250 1K required for each form
DOS TE Font Sizes
MX2 screen sizes available at the DOS prompt are:
• 8 rows by 16 columns
• 8 rows by 20 columns
Please refer to the appropriate terminal emulation reference guides for technical information about
the terminal emulations and supported screen sizes.