
Chapter 9 P-Series EVFU
Clearing the EVFU Memory
The following actions reset (clear) the EVFU memory:
Sending only the start load code.
Sending a start load code followed immediately by an end load code.
A second start load code is received, resulting in reinitialization of the
EVFU. (This allows the host data to be restarted.)
When the EVFU memory is cleared, the forms length returns to the previously
set value and the current print position becomes the top-of-form (TOF).
Table 78. P-Series EVFU Codes - PI Line Disabled or Not Used
ASCII Data Bits
Hex Dec. Code 87654321
10 16 DLE 000100001(TOF)
11 17 DC1 000100012
12 18 DC2 000100103
13 19 DC3 000100114
14 20 DC4 000101005
15 21 NAK000101016
16 22 SYN000101107
17 23 ETB 000101118
18 24 CAN000110009
19 25 EM 0001100110
1A 26 SUB0001101011
1B 27 ESC0001101112(VT)
1C 28 FS 0001110013
1D 29 GS 0001110114
1E 30 RS 00011110StartLoad
1F 31 US 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 End Load
(X = Undefined,0,or1)(1= High) (0 = Low)