Plot Data Byte Format
High density plotting is selected with the even dot plot control code EOT (hex
04) in conjunction with the odd dot plot control code ENQ (hex 05). The odd
and even numbered dot columns are addressed to double the horizontal
density. The vertical density remains the same in normal and high density
plotting, though vertical density is based on the current print mode. Figure 32
illustrates high density plotting.
Figure 32. High Density Plot
Plot Data Byte Format
In P-Series Plot Mode, the format is as follows:
• Each data byte specifies six out of twelve plot dot columns.
• Using odd dot plot mode, bits 1 through 6 of the data byte address the
odd-numbered dot columns; using even dot plot mode, bits 1 through 6 of
the data byte address the even-numbered dot columns.
• Bit 6 and/or bit 7 of the data byte must be a “1” (or true) bit in the Plot
• Bit 8 of the data byte is not used in the Plot mode and may be 1 or 0.
• The binary equivalent of the plot data bytes must be known to accurately
address specific dot positions.
As shown in Figure 33, a dot is printed at the location addressed by each of
bits 1 through 6 in the data byte that is set (1 or true).