7 Super-Set Programming
This chapter describes the super-set commands. Super-set commands affect
each of the protocols included in the ASCII Emulation regardless of the printer
protocol currently active, except for the P-Series XQ Variant emulation. The
commands are sent through the host in the input data stream, and enact the
features described in the following subsections.
NOTE: The super-set commands do not affect the P-Series XQ Variant
The Super-Set Commands
Each printer protocol uses a unique control code sequence to introduce the
super-set commands, called the Super-Set Control Code (SSCC):
*The SFCC in P-Series is the currently active Special Function Control Code.
NOTE: The super-set commands are briefly introduced in the chapters of this
book that describe the control codes for each of the emulations listed
In the following subsections, the generic code sequence name, SSCC, is
placed before the control code to remind you to enter the correct sequence
depending on the printer protocol currently active.
Table 43. Super-Set Control Codes
(ASCII Value)
(Hex Value)
P-Series* SFCC |}; SFCC7C7D3B
P-Series XQ N/A N/A
Serial Matrix ESC |}; ESC 7C 7D 3B
Epson FX ESC |}; ESC 7C 7D 3B
Proprinter III XL ESC |}; ESC 7C 7D 3B