9 Vertical Page Formatting
The ASCII Emulation includes the standard Electronic Vertical Format Unit
(EVFU) for use with the P-Series and P-Series XQ protocols, and a Vertical
Format Unit (VFU) for use with the Serial Matrix, Proprinter XL, and Epson FX
protocols. Each vertical format unit provides an efficient method for rapid
vertical paper movement (slewing) during repetitive printing tasks.
The EVFU is a software controlled vertical formatter. It allows you to
preprogram frequently used lines on forms and documents for efficient paper
handling in merging operations such as invoicing or payrolling. By flagging
each line to be printed, the EVFU automatically slews the paper (rapidly
advances the paper) to the identified lines. The EVFU provides 14 or 16
channels to identify up to 192 lines, depending on the paper instruction. The
EVFU also allows you to slew a specific number of lines on the form.
General P-Series EVFU Programming Information
A vertical format unit provides an efficient way to move the paper position
during repetitive printing tasks. The type of VFU used is a configuration option
selected from the control panel. If not used, the VFU option should be
disabled from the control panel.
The general VFU programming procedure is:
1. Design a form, determining spacing and channel assignments for each
2. Send the programming sequence to the printer. The sequence depends
on the type of VFU used.
Some VFUs require the PI signal line normally associated with the
Dataproducts parallel interface. Note that data bit 8 of the standard RS-232
interface can also be configured for use as the PI line.
The following information applies when programming and using a Vertical
Format Unit:
Elongated Characters—Elongated (double high) characters can be used
within VFU programs. The VFU automatically counts one line of elongated
characters as two normal character lines.